Felipe Rey Salamanca
PhD in Theoretical and Political Philosophy of Law
He graduated in Law from the Universidad Javeriana, in Bogotá, where he specialised in Constitutional Law, and did a Master's degree in Administrative Law at the Universidad del Rosario. Subsequently, he took a Master's degree in Legal Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), where in 2018 he obtained his PhD in Philosophy of Law with a thesis on the system of political representation.
He developed his work as a researcher in the research group Filosofía Jurídica y Política at UPF and participated in the research project Constitucionalisme Global i Justicia Global, where he focused on the study of theories of democratic innovation and new mechanisms of citizen participation.
Throughout his academic career, he has taught public law and legal theory at universities in Colombia and Spain, and has been a visiting researcher at the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He is also a founding member and project coordinator of the democratic innovation laboratory ideemos.org, which is part of the international network Aumented Democracy. He has published several scientific publications on political philosophy, democratic theory and representative systems. In 2021, he edited and translated Jane Mansbridge's collection of essays, Democracia. Amistad y pugna, published by Gedisa.